Ulrika Vincent
Ulrika has a background as a software developer, product leader & analyst, manager, agile mentor and other roles in digital development. Last couple of years she’s developed her coding skills in data analytics, statistics & Python. She has been working with several popular mobile apps, web services & other platforms in Sweden such as Res I Sthlm, Travis, SL, Expressen, KTH, Fritidsresor (TUI), Coop, Lantmännen and SoapUI.
Ulrika has a passion for problem solving, data driven work and understanding the users real needs. She encourages self directing and cross functional work, testing, open data and learning.
You can contact her for open questions or support within digital product development
- E-post: ulrika@agical.se
- LinkedIn: Ulrika Vincent
Articles with a few words from Ulrika Vincent 
- From Big to Small Data - Security AND privacy, is it possible?
- Google and AI just took my dream sites away
- How to increase collaboration between analyst and product teams - 3: Chat culture!
- How to increase collaboration between analyst and product teams - 2: Go see!
- How to increase collaboration between analyst and product teams - 1: Demo your data!
- A self directing internship - and how I learn to code again - part 2
- A self directing internship - and how I learn to code again - part 1