A few words from Agical

The programming language doesn't matter, until it does

On LinkedIn, a recipe for raking home the likes and cheering-ons is to post about that the tools do not matter at all, only the people matter. “Yay!” “Thanks for sharing!” “So insightful!” I call bullshit. Well, maybe it is true for some, but not for all, and certainly not for me! To me people matter a ton, and so do tools. The amount of matter is on the same order of magnitude for both.

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Google and AI just took my dream sites away

Since I was a teenager I’ve been somewhat interested in dream interpretations. So, now and then I google a strong dream I’ve had. Our dreams are subconscious messages from ourselves to ourselves is what I believe. And there can be insights to learn from them. Dreams are great teachers. By putting together different sources and interpretations from psychologists, religious interpreters and spiritual sharers I kind of get my own interpretation. A way to understand what my dream wants to tell me to guide me the next few days.

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There can be only one!

Here is a stupid simple way to easily manage those UI elements of which there can be only one opened at a time, such as application menus. I call them Highlanders. My requirements are that I want no extra DOM elements, nor any extra CSS, plus that the user’s intent should be honored, either if it is intentionally closing the element or starting to interact with some other element. (Say the menu is open and the user starts to drag something somewhere else.

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Keeping the :arglists of Clojure functions DRY

The problem: function-a takes the same arguments as function-b. In fact, function-a calls function-b. Without too much synchronized updating of the function signatures, I want (doc function-a) to show me the same argument lists as (doc function-b). The solution: Use :arglists in the metadata of the function. (defn function-b [{:keys [a b c]}] (println a b c)) (defn function-a {:arglists '([{:keys [a b c]}])} [args] (function-b args)) That’s the TL;DR. Read on for some rationale, and for some nerdy diving into the worlds of static and dynamic analysis.

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15 second Netlify deploy of a Rust mdBook

I have been enjoying learning some Rust and some Macroquad game development via Olle Wreede’s tutorial (Swedish only so far, sorry!). When I sent some pull requests towards the tutorial I lacked a deployed version attached to the PR. I decided to add that, and my goto for such things is Netlify. However, the tutorial is authored with mdBook, and there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward way to get Netlify to build this.

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Why you should try Clojure Interactive Programming

Clojure has a lot of things going for it. To name just a few: Functional programming is the default. Clojure makes it easy to keep data immutable. The language is small and simple, and the programs you create stay smaller and simpler than with most programming language environments. Still, perhaps Clojure’s super power is Interactive Programming. I.e. using the REPL to connect to, inspect, and modify the running program as you are developing it.

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VS Code runCommands for multi-commands keyboard shortcuts

Visual Studio Code has a command for stringing multiple commands together: runCommands. It’s designed to be used from keyboard shortcuts. Here’s an example:

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To ChatGPT a picture says more than a thousand words

One of the great usages I get from generative AI is to use it for checking that my messages come across as I want them to do. ChatGPT, Midjourney and their likes are trained from vast amounts of human communication. To note how they interpret something gets to be a measure on how it would be received by fellow human travelers. At least I contend it is so. Additionally I can “carve out”, with pretty good precision, the specific target group I want to reach with my article, picture, video, email, or whatnot.

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ImageMagick with Pango on MacOS Ventura

In ImageMagick + Pango + Babashka = ❤️ I told you about the Docker image cospaia/magick+pango+babashka, and that it allows for using Pango markup with ImageMagick locally as well as in CI. I also told you that I haven’t succeeded to install ImageMagic with Pango support on my Mac. Since I wrote that I have tried to figure it out, and when compiling ImageMagick from source failed in some opaque way, all too early in the make, I almost threw in the towel.

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ImageMagick + Pango + Babashka = ♥️

If you want to conveniently compose pictures and text programmatically you may want to have a look at ImageMagick. Especially when powered by Pango markup. The markup is SGML and the resulting text line breaks and flows automatically. It gets quite a lot easier to lay your text out this way, than to use ImageMagic’s built in text facilities. And some things do not only get easier, they become possible.

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